The International Controller Association (ICV) presents the new specialist working group ‘Digital Controlling Competence’ (DCC). A group of experts who roll up their sleeves and want to bring the benefits of digitization to companies.
Specifically, it is about modern methods, tools and technologies that support the controller and CFO in decision-making and encourage proactivity. Furthermore, the focus is on strengthening competencies in the various tasks of the controller, including in the areas of decision and data science, integrated business planning and online collaboration / communication.
Controlling departments usually have to merge many loose ends in order to be able to utilize all the available information. The expert group would like to draw the attention of interested and open-minded controllers to the fact that this task can be done easier, faster and more reliable with the help of digital applications and modern tools.
With lectures from pioneering- and benchmark-companies in the field of digital controlling of various industries and sizes, in cooperation with well-known researchers/scientists, the new DCC expert group enables participants to recognize the potential of modern digital applications and to use them to generate value. The look behind the scenes of “digitally optimized” companies and the discussion between practitioners and a lot of scientific know-how enable the participants to evaluate the benefits for their own company and to create new digital concepts.
The kick-off event will take place on May 21st, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
One thing will be revealed:
- At this date, not only the expert group leaders will introduce themselves, but also Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer followed the invitation of the expert group, whose current study revealed many well-known, but also new controller roles and competence profiles (Schäffer / Brückner 2019). How these are combined in the company’s digital evolution is also one of the focus areas of the specialist working group, as they are directly related to the digital tools and technologies used.
- Allowing a look behind the scenes on May 21st. Dado Mekic and Peter Lorenz from Fabasoft, a showcase company for digital applications and with big plans for the future. Experiences are exchanged, a revolution is presented and well-functioning concepts and challenges are discussed. The aim is to find the essence of their journey. The results will be made available to the interested public in the form of blog posts, articles and presentations.
Short Introductory Video of DCC (3:17 min.)
You are welcome to register now for the upcoming or all events of the specialist working group. We would also be delighted if you could share your experience in digital controlling competence with the specialist group in the form of a lecture. Please contact us.
FOR WHOM is the DCC expert group intended?
- controllers, CFOs, CIOs and CEOs
- from all industries,
- without geographical restrictions and
- applicable for medium-sized companies or bigger.