The Corporate Real Estate Controlling System = CRECS

Real estate managers and controllers have to combine many manual activities and interfaces in the company in order to control real estate and its development. This is where the modern, technology-based Corporate Real Estate Controlling System (CRECS) with 4 steps comes into play. This means that real estate is recorded holistically and continuously in an integrated information system. Benefit from predefined KPIs, scenario analysis & rolling forecasts. Get deep insights what really drives business and rely on your decision making. Rely on professionals with deep knowledge and experience delivering performance management solutions for the real estate industry.

Modern, connected, solid and easy to use CPM solution for real estate manager and controller

Here's what our clients are saying about us...

How the real estate company GWG benefits from the tool in detail ...

Watch reference video:

Budgeting, planning, analysis, forecasting, reporting & consolidation with

Project Recalculation
KPI Dashboard
Project Budget Overview
Scenario Planning

Do you want to know...?​

How does our real estate portfolio perform?

The smartPM CREC solution provides all industry-specific KPIs like total return, net income, vacancy rates, LTV, WALT, IRR, etc. from any source system and adds forecasting intelligence to predict performance in any aspect. Continuous monitoring, evaluation and optimization of portfolios and individual projects based on company’s goals and risk strategy.

Where do we need to take action and which projects to start first?

Real estate companies act ‘project-driven’. It is not always clear who triggered which project and for which purpose. Our solution allows for Portfolio/Program Management and Balancing.

Should we sell/buy/revitalize a building and how does it effect financial results?

Szenario analysis, ‘what if’ analysis, key driver analysis and rolling forecasts covering whole real estate portfolios support any decision to be taken.

Construction cost controlling provides key figures on project progress, cost development and possible initiatives to influence costs, e.g. by means of milestone trend analysis.

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