Sustainability controlling & -reporting EU taxonomy, ESG

What sustainability initiatives should we prioritize? Are we meeting our sustainability targets, like CO2 emissions? Does our Sustainability Report comply with EU taxonomy, SDG or CSRD requirements?

Simplify and accelerate the planning, implementation and reporting of your sustainability initiatives. The smartPM Sustainability Controlling system supports you with predefined model content and templates that can be flexibly adapted. Control your ESG projects as a whole and report according to all regulatory standards.

Scenario Simulation, Materiality Analysis, Planning, Initiative Tracking, Kick point Overview and ESG Dashboard with all relevant KPIs support you on both a strategic and operational level in one integrated system.

Modern, connected, solid and easy to use sustainability controlling solution

VIDEO: "Systematic sustainability controlling" in just 2 minutes

Real life usecase Sustainability Controlling & Reporting, EU-Taxonomy:

WHITEPAPER: Professional and fully integrated Sustainability Controlling and Reporting. A 4 step guide.

Do you want to know ...?

In how many and which sustainability projects are we behind target? How is the progress of these projects?

The smartPM solution for sustainability controlling includes a materiality analysis based on strategic company goals and urgency in the form of a matrix. The progress can also be checked with the help of a milestone analysis and suitable initiatives can be set and tracked. The visual project overview supports the ongoing monitoring and optimization of sustainability measures and initiatives. In addition, an impact analysis of sustainability efforts on the company’s results can be carried out for management information purposes.

How do I organize my sustainability reports correctly according to the EU taxonomy regulation?

The GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is the most widely used standard for sustainability reporting (used by 93% of the 250 largest companies). The content of the report covers various  areas: environmental concerns (e.g. greenhouse emissions, water consumption, air pollution, energy use), social concerns (e.g. gender concerns, working conditions, labor rights), instruments to combat corruption and bribery, labor concerns, respect for human rights and diversity in the workforce personnel selection.

Which key figures are particularly relevant for sustainability controlling?

Key figure cockpits allow the tracking of KPIs in real time, such as workload among staff, capacity bottlenecks, energy costs, CO2 emissions, etc. including an alarm function in the event of deviations.

Fallstudie Nachhaltigkeits-Controlling

EVU - Case study

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